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People share their 90s and 00s brow disasters

Fashion and sweetness right now are only for throwing it back to a less complicated time, before Instagram filters and makeup gurus set the agenda for what we'd seem like – the 90s.

Trends come and go, and even though people around for Y2K the very first time may go through old, we still like to see a new generation getting involved.

While we may chuckle seeing butterfly clips and low rise jeans in the ships, there's one comeback that carries a sense of foreboding: skinny brows.

A new filter on TikTok and the current concentrate on pre-Millennium megastars like Pamela Anderson have Gen Z considering eyebrow overhauls en masse.

But those of us who came old during the original razor-thin brow craze aren't so sure.

It's not because you want to spoil young people's fun. A lot of us still live with the aftermath of over-plucking to achieve the look.

I am one of those fashion victims, having waxed and plucked my brows within an inch of the lives in older days.

I was never blessed with Delevingne eyebrows in the first place, but tried to make them look more defined with my trusty tweezers. When I'd visit get them waxed and tinted professionally, the technician would automatically work to the same shape, so I assumed I was on the right track with DIY efforts.

Eventually it became less cool to hold a Jane Norman bag, use concealer as lipstick, and have almost invisible brows – however the damage had already been accomplished for me.

Over the years I've spent a lot of money on pomades and pencils to fill in the sporadic hairs left, even having microblading done to mimic regrowth.

Although that solved the problem feel well informed without makeup, if I could turn back time I would haven't messed with my features.

Hopefully letting the new generation realize that the effects of overzealous brow grooming can be irreversible will place them off any drastic changes.

Please will have fun with your look – in the end, the best beauty tricks come from learning from mistakes. Just try to think about the potential consequences.

We spoke to women who also spent their youths getting trigger pleased with tweezers, in the hope that they can save you future eyebrow regret.

Vix Leyton, 37

Comedian Vix ended up with skinny brows following a salon mishap. She tells 'I had mine threaded into extinction when that was anything and they never returned the right shape. I deeply regret it'.

She added: 'I did not want that either. She went inside an imaginative direction I was not aboard with- It's basically assault.

When taking a look at photos from that time, Vix says she remembers them to be 'so, so bad'.

'They are absolutely ruined to this day,' she added. 'The shape has to be artificially created, I can't manage at home unless I am literally drawing them on every single day.'

Erin Rudkin, 32

Erin, from Manchester, has destroyed the evidence of her threadlike 90s eyebrows, but tells us her cautionary tale.

She says: 'My eyebrows were always an enormous pain, I'd a monobrow from the young age, probably about nine or 10. So when I acquired to secondary school I was teased on their behalf (the braces and acne didn't help either).

'So one day I decided to take action. I plucked the center, but I thought it was really painful. When that was done, I realised these were still enormous and untidy and simply took a razor to them-. from the top.

'Now it is just in hindsight many years later that I know you should never ever ever go from the top, always tackle the hairs in the bottom of your brow and move from there.'

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