
Amazon Cuts Alexa Connect Kit Cloud Fees to inspire Smart Device Builders

Amazon has cut the Alexa Connect Kit cloud fee by three-quarters to reduce the price of building Alexa-enabled modules for smart home devices. The cost reduction comes with the discharge of the developer preview from the ACK software development kit to make it easier to modules for smart lights, switches, along with other small devices.

Cloud Fee

The cloud fee had been $2 so far, with Amazon dropping the cost to $0.50 for all device makers. Although the price reduction is universal, Amazon said hello is looking to stimulate developers to operate on some types of devices, the ones that are already in the lower end of the price spectrum like dimmer switches, plugs, air purifiers, and similar products. The new ACK SDK is really a source code for prototyping using Espressif along with other chipmakers.

“With connected devices becoming increasingly ubiquitous all over the world, customers have started to expect stress-free and inexpensive products for their smart homes,” Amazon developer Ashish Pal explained inside a blog post. “You want to enable our device maker partners to offer their customers more value and greater selection. With the cloud fee reduction and the flexibility to build lower cost modules, we'll enable our partners to develop their business by reducing their costs. Device makers can pass on these savings to end customers, decreasing the price premium of connected devices for end consumers.”

Alexa Home

The decrease in price is also notable for its timing. Amazon has just launched the Alexa Skill Developer Accelerator Program. The program ups the percentage of earnings from Alexa skills provided to developers from 70% to 80% when they generate under $1 million annually. The increased revenue share will unveil with new methods for developers to capture traffic and raise the visibility of their skills. Amazon claims the benefits count as much as another 10% in potential revenue. The shift in cloud fees and new ACK SDK won’t matter much for premium kinds of products like the proactive iRobot Roomba, but the news may draw plenty of interest using their company manufacturers. Even though Amazon refuted reports that many people don’t use Alexa devices for more than a few tasks or lengthy, expanding the kinds and sources of Alexa smart home products while cutting costs might help persuade folks to integrate the voice assistant into more of their house life.

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