
Amazon Echo Frames Adds Sunglasses and Blue Light Filter Options

Amazon is rolling out new styles for that Alexa-enabled Echo Frames for individuals going outside come july 1st or spending a lot of time staring at a screen. Two kinds of sunglasses and lenses that filter out the blue light are now available as part of the smart audio glasses, arriving about 6 months after the Echo Frames graduated from the Day 1 pilot enter in their current form.

Alexa within the Sun

Two of the new Echo Frames are sunglasses, coming with standard polarized lenses as seen above, or with blue mirror lenses. The other addition appears like the standard clear lenses but will remove blue light from digital screens, that is associated with causing insomnia and headaches in some people. All the new glasses cost $270, and also the blue mirror sunglasses have begun shipping, while the other two are for sale to pre-order and will ship on June 9. Customer feedback helped shape the choices on what the brand new glasses should look like, according to Amazon.

“Feedback from you-our customers-has been central to the design and growth and development of Echo Frames because the very beginning,” director of Echo Frames Jean Wang explained in a blog post. “Since becoming generally available in December, you've asked for more options with Echo Frames. So today, we're excited to create Echo Frames available as polarized smart audio sunglasses and blue-light-filtering smart audio glasses. These new options allow it to be easy to benefit from the ease of smart audio glasses by enabling hands-free use of Alexa, even though you have no need for prescription glasses.”

Same Frame

Besides the lenses, the new Echo Frames operate similar to their predecessor, embedding Alexa right into a group of glasses to make it easy to contact the voice assistant. Small microphones and speakers within the frames facilitate the conversation, that your wearer can start with a wake word or by pressing on the side of the glasses. The consumer communicates via Bluetooth to the Alexa app on their smartphone. Should the wearer prefer, the glasses may also communicate with the default voice assistant around the device, whether Siri on iOS or Google Assistant on Android. Wearers may also opt for more privacy by double-tapping on the side of the frames. The only real limitation within the new versions is that they only are available in black, with no blue and tortoiseshell color choices of the standard Echo Frames right now. Otherwise, the glasses can do anything an Echo smart speaker might, from dropping in on other people’s Alexa devices to playing voice games or pulling up directions. And Amazon hinted they're still searching for feedback to help upgrade and expand the range of the smart glasses.

“That's the magic of Echo Frames as smart audio glasses-Alexa can be obtained to help you make a call, set a reminder, listen to podcasts, read your important notifications, control your smart home, and more, all while enabling you to stay connected around the world who are around you,” Wang wrote. “We're excited to make Echo Frames readily available for much more customers-and we look forward to talking with you.”

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